Fig 1
ADULT: Wingspan - 65mm. A stunning creature with a total length up to 50mm this is a much sought after species and well worth the effort. Tenerals are basically yellow and black whereas mature male specimens are a combination of a gentle pale green and black except for the flanks of abdominal segments 8 and 9 which remain bright yellow. Females generally have heavier clubbed tails. Both sexes have eyes which do not meet in the centre. LARVA: The larvae have short bulbous antennae with the shape of the exuvial case diagnostic due to the way the forming antennae form a triangular shape at the front of the head. the larval stage can last up to 5 years. BEHAVIOUR: A strong flying insect that is no sooner seen than lost in flight. Has a preference for resting on flat leaves but when scared can take off and head high up into the foliage of trees. Synchronised emergence of adults is done over a very short period of time and a major dispersal is had a few days after. After emerging the adults fly to nearby woodland where the males begin a courtship display to attract females. HABITAT: Prefers slow flowing rivers with plenty of bankside vegetation. Can be seen in nearby fields resting on low growing plants. FLIGHT PERIOD: May - July. STATUS: Locally frequent and only found in southern Britain.

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